Their 2021 report takes Gallup polling data from 149 countries from the past three years, asking life evaluation questions to around 3,000 people per country. The answers to the questions are compared to a fictional country called Dystopia. Dystopia provides a baseline score in six categories, including GDP, life expectancy, social support, and corruption, with the idea that every other (real) country will perform better. The survey scores are weighted and made representative of each country, resulting in a score out of 10, where 10 is the best life imaginable and 0 is the worst life possible. The 2021 report also strongly considered factors surrounding COVID-19 and its effects on mental health, social connections, and the workplace. With all of this in mind, let’s take a look at the 12 happiest countries of 2021, and see what pearls of wisdom we can learn from each. 

12 Happiest Countries in the World, According to the World Happiness Report

1. Finland, 7.842 out of 10

If happiness were a competition, then Finland would be first across the Finnish line! Are saunas and reindeer keeping the population of the Country of a Thousand Lakes the happiest in the world for the third year in a row? Maybe, but the World Happiness Report’s co-author John Helliwell suggests that it’s thanks to Finland’s strong feelings of mutual trust, communal support, and minimal amounts of government suspicion that lands them in the top spot. In combination with a relatively low death toll from COVID-19, it’s no surprise that they continue to rank so highly. For a country of 5.3 million people, it is estimated that there are over 2 million saunas in Finland, whether it be a home sauna or a timeshare, and as an old Finnish proverb says, “Jos ei viina, terva ja sauna auta, niin tauti on kuolemaksi”, roughly meaning that if liquor, tar, or a sauna don’t help you, then the disease really must be deadly! Could this be partly why the Finns have stayed so healthy and happy throughout the pandemic? 

2. Denmark, 7.620 out of 10

Hot on the heels of Finland is Denmark, with another very high score of 7.620 out of 10. With a high standard of living, the World Happiness Report found that Danes perceive even less government corruption than Finns, and with a higher GDP per capita than Finland, it seems that Denmark could soon strip Finland of its title as the happiest country in the world. Having gained popularity worldwide in recent years, the Danish philosophy of “hygge” could help explain the Danes’ delight. Hygge roughly corresponds to a sense of coziness. Perhaps we should all be channeling our inner Dane this year by lighting those scented candles and spending as much time by the fire as possible! 

3. Switzerland, 7.571 out of 10

There is a saying that money can’t buy you happiness, but when the net US wage is just $39,211 compared to Switzerland’s $58,864, you do start to wonder. Not only do people in Switzerland earn better wages, but the World Happiness Report suggests that the Swiss’ good health may contribute to their happiness, with low obesity rates and high life expectancy. Switzerland has a reputation for being a remarkably safe place, too, with people leaving their doors unlocked at night in some parts of the country. But in a country filled with beautiful mountain ranges such as the Alps, a flourishing chocolate industry, and gorgeous alpine vistas, it’s no wonder that the Swiss are such happy people! 

4. Iceland, 7.554 out of 10

Colloquially known as the Land of Fire and Ice, Iceland boasts some of the world’s most beautiful and varied geography, with thermal springs and enormous glaciers. In the 2021 World Happiness Report, Icelanders reported the highest amount of social support of any other country in the world, which is bound to have contributed to their high levels of happiness, continuing the trend of Nordic countries taking the top spots in this ranking. 

5. The Netherlands, 7.464 out of 10

This bicycle-loving nation takes fifth place in terms of its population’s happiness levels. The authors of the report cite the high levels of generosity as part of the reason why The Netherlands ranks so high, and it makes sense that a country of canals and tulips would have such a happy population. In stark contrast to the mountainous countries of Switzerland and Iceland featured elsewhere on this list, the Netherlands is known for its remarkably flat landscape. Still, these countries have in common their low levels of unemployment and strong social support.

6. Norway, 7.392 out of 10 

Another top-scoring Nordic country, Norway is known for its spectacular views and cross-country skiing. They have universal healthcare and free college tuition, which might help to explain why they are such a happy country. Although Norway is known for its very high cost of living, its citizens enjoy accordingly high wages and great social support. (We’re sensing a theme here!)

7. Sweden, 7.363 out of 10

Home to the world’s supplier of flat-pack furniture and ABBA, Swedes enjoy a very high standard of living and have very low levels of perceived corruption. You might not have known that Sweden is also the home of Spotify, so it makes sense that Stockholm is one of the world’s pop music capitals! Not only this, but Sweden is also famed for its beautiful woodlands and lakes. A common theme of outstanding natural beauty is becoming apparent in this list of happiest countries.

8. Luxembourg, 7.324 out of 10 

Home to almost 650,000 people, this tiny European country is often underestimated on the world stage. However, Luxembourg is the world’s 8th happiest country, and for good reason. It’s one of the world’s wealthiest countries, and has a booming financial sector thanks to its tax system. This provides a low rate of unemployment, and in spite of the high cost of living, the average wage is extremely high, making this little country a wonderfully happy place to live. 

9. New Zealand, 7.277 out of 10 

Not to be outdone by its northern-hemisphere counterparts, New Zealand is the first country in the southern hemisphere to appear on this list, coming in 9th place in terms of its population’s happiness. With great wine, landscapes fitting of a Lord of the Rings movie, and such a low population density that sheep outnumber humans almost 6 to 1, New Zealand is a fascinating country. It’s no wonder that people are flocking there in great numbers, with New Zealand seeing a relatively high rate of immigration to its islands. The world seemingly wants a piece of that 9th-place pie. 

10. Austria, 7.268 out of 10

If Austria is sometimes out-shadowed by its German neighbors, then that is absolutely not the case in terms of their rankings in the World Happiness Report, with Austria coming in 10th place, while Germany falls behind in 13th. Austria is known for its high GDP, palaces, castles, and striking cities, but a lesser-known fact (perhaps by design) is that Vienna is the spy capital of the world! 

11. Australia, 7.183 out of 10

Not to be confused with the similarly named Austria, Australia is the 11th-happiest country in the world. A country of immigrants, Australia’s population has quadrupled since World War 1. This has led to a booming economy, represented by a strong tourism sector. While it might be hard to imagine celebrating Christmas with a barbecue on the beach, it is no surprise that Australians are some of the happiest and friendliest people in the world. 

12. Israel, 7.157 out of 10

Somewhat of an outlier on this list, the average Israeli experiences low wages, risk of war, and high prices, so what is the secret to Israel’s happiness? One factor could be the country’s high level of social support, and tight-knit family structures, which factor into providing a feeling of solidarity and identification that is central to Israel’s way of life. It might also surprise you to know that Tel-Aviv is one of the world’s capitals for nightlife!  Check out…Habits of Happy PeopleHappy SongsHow to Be Happy

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