Below are the 30 highest paying jobs as determined by data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics’ annual report, from lowest to highest. Wondering what the top job on the market is? Then read on to find out!

30 Highest Paying Jobs

30. Postsecondary Education Law Teacher

What It Entails:Postsecondary law teachers teach courses in law and research within the field. They are responsible for training the next generation of lawyers, keeping on top of current advancements in the field, giving lectures, administering exams, and supervising students. They may choose to specialize in a particular aspect of the law depending on the nature of their employment.Experience Needed: To become a postsecondary law teacher, you’ll need to have completed both a bachelor’s degree and law school, as well as gained significant experience practicing law. Throughout this work, you’ll want to focus on publishing legal research articles and may consider serving as a clerk. You may pursue graduate law programs (including a PhD), obtain a fellowship for your research, or work on a law journal to focus on legal scholarship.Average Salary/Wages: $134,760

29. Public Relations and Fundraising Manager

What It Entails:Public relations and fundraising managers are responsible for the interactions between their company and the public. They manage the public image of their client or company and coordinate donation campaigns. They oversee communication between the company and its clients, write press releases, devise promotional programs, identify donors, plan fundraising events, apply for grants, analyze financial data, and develop their organization’s public identity.Experience Needed: You’ll typically need a bachelor’s degree in a related field to access this position, although master’s degrees are becoming increasingly common requirements. You may also seek out licenses and certifications to demonstrate your advanced competency in the area to both your company and clients. Finally, you’ll want to gain significant work experience within the industry.Average Salary/Wages: $135,580

28. Compensation and Benefits Manager

What It Entails:Compensation and benefits managers work internally within their company to determine salary and benefit plans for their team. They oversee the company’s pay structure, and keep abreast of laws and regulations to ensure that workers are being paid a fair, competitive wage.Experience Needed: Compensation and benefits managers will hold a bachelor’s degree—and often a master’s—in a related field, and have several years of industry experience. They may also look to professional certifications to build their credential and specialize within their field.Average Salary/Wages: $137,160

27. Physicist

What It Entails:Physicists conduct research in a wide variety of disciplines and industries. They may work in labs, industrial settings, or universities. They test hypotheses and make scientific discoveries, as well as refine existing research. Physicists may be experimental, theoretical, applied, or computational, and work with both math and science to form predictions and understand the world around us. They study the interaction between matter and energy and apply this knowledge to solve problems in science and tech, and investigate our universe.Experience Needed: Physicists will need a bachelor’s degree in Physics, research experience, a postgraduate master’s in Physics, and a physics doctorate if they hope to work in theoretical physics. They should also pursue internships, fellowships, and postdoctoral research projects.Average Salary/Wages: $137,700

26. Advertising and Promotions Manager

What It Entails:Advertising and promotions managers create interest among clients in a good or service. They work with advertising agencies on campaigns, discuss budgets and contracts, select advertisements, plan campaigns and giveaways, analyze market research studies, develop pricing strategies, and liaise with customers.Experience Needed: Advertising and promotions managers will typically hold a relevant bachelor’s degree, as well as significant work experience in the industry. They may also pursue a master’s degree for certain specialized positions.Average Salary/Wages: $147,560

25. Sales Manager

What It Entails:As a sales manager, you would lead the sales team of your company, helping to establish and meet sales goals, analyze data, manage your team, liaise with customers, and maintain the company budget.Experience Needed: To become a sales manager, you’ll need a bachelor’s degree and years of industry-specific work experience at a minimum. You may choose to pursue a master’s degree, as although this isn’t a requirement for the job, it will give you a significant advantage in the industry. You may also be interested in professional certification opportunities as a way of continuing your education.Average Salary/Wages: $147,580

24. Lawyer

What It Entails: The work of a lawyer is full of variety and impact. Lawyers are licensed to practice and uphold the law in order to protect their clients’ rights. They offer legal counsel, research, act as mediators, draw up binding documents, and prosecute or defend in court, depending on their place of employment and the day.Experience Needed: Lawyers specialize in specific aspects of the law. Regardless of their specialization, all lawyers will complete a bachelor’s degree and three years of law school to receive a Juris Doctor degree. Then, lawyers will successfully pass the licensing exams, aka “bar exams” of the state in which they wish to practice law. They may also be required to keep up with continuing education requirements and exams as they work their way up in their firm, start their own practice, or begin work for a corporation.Average Salary/Wages: $148,910

23. Podiatrist

What It Entails:Podiatrists or doctors of podiatric medicine (DPM) are medical professionals specializing in the treatment of the foot, ankle, and lower leg. They can treat foot problems and conditions, make casts, recommend physical therapy, and perform surgery. They may work in sports medicine, pediatrics, radiology, or diabetic foot care.Experience Needed: To get your foot in the door as a podiatrist, you’ll need to build on your bachelor’s degree with a graduate degree of Doctor of Podiatric Medicine. Following this, you’ll complete a residency where you can choose to specialize in primary care and orthopedics and/or surgery, fulfill state licensing requirements, pass your Board exams, and keep up with any continuing education requirements and exams.Average Salary/Wages: $151,110

22. Financial Manager

What It Entails:Financial managers oversee the finances of their company. They are responsible for ensuring its viability, and they supervise their team in creating reports, directing investments, and planning to reach the goals of their company. Depending on the size of their company, a financial manager may be responsible for all the company finances, or they may specialize. They project profit, ensure that their company is meeting regulatory and legal requirements, and budget for their company.Experience Needed: To become a financial manager, you’ll need a bachelor’s in a finance-related field, as well as lots of employment experience. Financial managers are usually chosen from within their own companies, so you’ll want to work hard, choose your company wisely, and focus on getting to the top. You may look to professional certifications, exams, and a master’s degree to set yourself apart from your coworkers. Many employers prefer that financial managers hold MBAs in finance.Average Salary/Wages: $151,510

21. Petroleum Engineer

What It Entails: As a petroleum engineer, you’ll help with energy production by locating oil and gas, designing methods of extraction, imagining innovative approaches to extraction and processing, and overseeing drilling.Experience Needed: Generally, you’ll have a bachelor’s degree in petroleum engineering, as well as internships and work experience in the field. You may also wish to earn a Professional Engineering license if you’ve set your sights on leadership opportunities and management. If you’re hoping to work at a university or on research, you’ll want to consider pursuing a graduate degree as well.Average Salary/Wages: $154,330

20. Marketing Manager

What It Entails: Marketing managers are well-versed in supply and demand. They’re responsible for their company’s profits, coordinating policies and programs to determine demand and identify clients. They develop pricing strategies with an eye for customer satisfaction, and always have their eye on the latest trend for company growth.Experience Needed: Marketing managers will often have a bachelor’s in marketing and years of experience on the job as a minimum. Many will also have an MBA under their belt, and all of them will possess flawless communication and leadership skills, as well as the ability to meld hard business statistics with the long-term ideal picture of the company.Average Salary/Wages: $154,470

19. Natural Sciences Manager

What It Entails:Natural science managers oversee projects in the sciences, including life science and physical science experiments, as well as work in math and statistics. They’re there to help their team plan and coordinate, directing research and development projects, as well as whole teams of scientists, to ensure the quality and success of their project.Experience Needed: Natural science managers will find their feet in their career by beginning work as a scientist. They’ll usually have a bachelor’s, master’s, and PhD in their field, and be fluent in the work of their team in order to assist and lead with insight. Usually, natural science managers will work their way to this role over many years of scientific work.Average Salary/Wages: $154,930

18. Architectural and Engineering Manager

What It Entails: Architectural and engineering managers lead teams working on architectural and engineering projects. They plan, direct, and coordinate with clients and builders to ensure that their projects are on track and structurally sound.Experience Needed: These individuals are highly knowledgeable about the technical aspects of their career. They’ll typically have a bachelor’s degree in architecture or engineering, as well as many years of work experience in the field. Many will also pursue a master’s degree.Average Salary/Wages: $158,100

17. IT Manager

What It Entails:IT managers are responsible for their company’s electronic networks. They’re in charge of the IT department where they work, and are involved in decision-making strategy such as hard- and software selection, updates, and programming, all with the focus of improving the company’s productivity.Experience Needed: To become an IT manager, you’ll need at least a bachelor’s degree in tech, and a lot of work experience in the field. You’ll want to be savvy with computer science and programming, as well as network security. Many future IT managers also go on to pursue a master’s degree in computer and information systems management or an MBA, in order to advance their career.Average Salary/Wages: $161,730

16. Dentist (General)

What It Entails: Dentists are responsible for treating the oral health of their patients. They help promote good dental hygiene, diagnose problems, and treat the gums, teeth, and mouth. This maintenance helps prevent further complications throughout the body—oral health is key!

Experience Needed: Dentists usually begin their career path with an undergraduate degree in STEM, and then pass the dental admissions test to apply for dental school. While at school, they will complete two years of classroom learning in science, and two years of clinical practice, in order to earn either a DDS or a DDM. Dentists also need to pass exams in order to receive their license, and get certified by the Board if they so choose. 

Average Salary/Wages: $180,830

15. Pediatrician (General)

What It Entails:Are you interested in medicine and love working with children? Then pediatrics may be the perfect field for you. Pediatricians treat patients from newborns to young adults, taking care of their physical, mental, and behavioral health. They often work with their patients throughout their lives as they grow, seeing them every year for annual checkups and acting as the first point of contact for families. They can work either in general care or specialize in treating children with specific health conditions.

Experience Needed: Pediatricians begin their training with undergraduate study, followed by 4 years of med school. After this, they’ll pursue a 3-year pediatric residency program, where they’ll be able to further specialize within the field of pediatrics. Once residency is complete, pediatricians may either pursue work in general practice or enter a fellowship program to train further in subspecialties within pediatrics (2 to 6 more years of study).

Average Salary/Wages: $184,570 (Higher with specialization)

14. Airline Pilot, Copilot, and Flight Engineer

What It Entails:Pilots and copilots fly aircraft to transport passengers or cargo around the world. They fly a wide variety of aircraft, including commercial planes and helicopters, and work in a variety of industries, such as the military, cargo transport, and the travel industry. Flight engineers are responsible for monitoring and operating the aircraft’s complex systems, acting as an “air mechanic.”Experience Needed: The experience you’ll need for these positions depends on what kind of aircraft you hope to work on; the FAA’s rules for pilot license certification differ across aircraft. Either way, you’ll need to attend flight school, pass an FAA medical exam, and obtain your FAA student pilot certificate through the IACRA. Then, you’ll begin ground school and flight lessons under a certified flight instructor. Following that step, you’ll need to obtain your Private Pilot License. Next, earn your Instrument Rating and your Commercial Pilot License (including exams and ≥250 hours of flight time). Finally, earn your Multi-Engine rating, and build hours towards your Airline Transport Pilot License until you reach ≥ 1,500 hours and can be hired by a commercial airline.Average Salary/Wages: $186,870

13. Nurse Anesthetist

What It Entails:Nurse anesthetists administer anesthesia, monitor vital signs, and oversee patient recovery post-anesthesia. They administer anesthesia for surgery, labor and delivery, emergency care, and pain management. They work in conjunction with a medical team, assisting surgeons, dentists, or other physicians depending on where they practice. This is one of the most advanced and qualified specialties in nursing.Experience Needed: To become a nurse anesthetist, you’ll need to earn a BSN degree. Then, you’ll need to pass the NCLEX-RN exam, and fulfill any state requirements. Following this, you will pursue your specialization while working as an RN in an ICU or a critical care program, in order to gain the 1 to 3 years of experience necessary to apply to graduate nurse anesthetist programs. After this, you’ll want to enroll in a graduate nurse anesthesia program. Starting in 2022, the minimum degree required to become a nurse anesthetist will be a DNP or DNAP rather than an MSN. Finally, you’ll need to become Board certified, pass your exams, obtain nurse practitioner state licensure, and stay up to date on continuing education requirements and exams.Average Salary/Wages: $189,190

12. Dentist (All Other Specialists)

What It Entails: Dentists who choose to specialize in one of the many unique areas of dentistry include endodontists and periodontists. While they have completed the training in general dentistry, they are also specifically trained to help patients who require care beyond the usual checkup.Experience Needed: Dentist specialization requires many of the same steps as general dentistry. You’ll want to earn either a DDS or a DDM, which includes hands-on hours of training with patients. You’ll also need to pass your exams and get licensed and certified. Specialization then involves a postgraduate residency of 1 to 3 years, and, depending on the field, the obtaining of an MD.Average Salary/Wages: $194,930

11. CEO

What It Entails: CEOs, or chief executive officers, are the highest-ranking members of their companies. They are responsible for making major decisions that determine the direction of the company, managing operations and resources with the help of executives, assistants, and managers, and communicating with the board of directors. They drive profitability and improve share prices if the company is public, and are often the face of the company itself.Experience Needed: CEOs are normally elected by the board of directors (and its shareholders). Depending on the company, they may be the founder of the company, but this is not always the case. Most often, CEOs will have an undergraduate degree in business, economics, accounting, engineering, science, or law, followed by an MBA at a top college. Then, they’ll need to work their way from the bottom of their company to the top, assuming they’re not the founder. They’ll need drive, ambition, confidence, calm, excellent communication skills, and most of all, curiosity about people from all walks of life and the ability to turn anyone they meet into a friend.Average Salary/Wages: $197,840

10. General Internal Medicine Physician

What It Entails: Internists are physicians who specialize in the treatment of internal illnesses and injuries, including acute and chronic conditions. They generally do not perform surgery, and are trained specially to handle puzzling diagnoses or severe situations where the patient is affected by multiple illnesses at the same time. Their training isn’t limited to one organ system or medical condition, and they instead cover the comprehensive spectrum of internal medicine.Experience Needed: Internists need to complete a bachelor’s degree and obtain an MD like general physicians, as well as successfully finish a residency program. Certain specialties within internal medicine will require a fellowship program, and internists should bear in mind the requirement of additional licensing, certifications, and qualifying education throughout their careers.Average Salary/Wages: $210,960

9. Family and General Practitioner

What It Entails:A family and general practitioner is a physician who focuses on preventative care, diagnosis and treatment for patients and families throughout their lives. They are trained to consider the whole patient, rather than focusing on one system or symptom in isolation. They are primary care physicians who work with specialists on a referral basis.Experience Needed: If you’re looking to become a family or general practitioner, you’ll need to earn a bachelor’s degree and a medical degree (MD or DO), followed by a 3-year residency program, licensing, and certification at the state and national level, as well as continuing education and certification credits. Family and general practitioners also have the option to get Board-certified if you’re looking to bolster your credentials.Average Salary/Wages: $214,370

8. Prosthodontist

What It Entails:Prosthodontists specialize in treating complex dental and facial issues, including through the designing and fitting of prostheses in order to help patients with functionality and appearance. They can provide help for conditions related to the teeth, oral and maxillofacial tissues, or the jaw. Prosthodontists make a big difference in people’s self-esteem, as they can help fix someone’s smile and make sure their patient has a healthy, beautiful mouth. They differ from dentists in that they focus on repairing natural teeth and replacing missing ones, as well as missing parts of the jaw or face, and work to alleviate head and neck deformities.Experience Needed: To become a prosthodontist, you’ll need to complete a bachelor’s degree and dental school, as well as the Board examinations to become a licensed DDS or DMD. Following that, you’ll need to complete a 3-year residency in a graduate prosthodontic program, and an additional certification exam. Throughout your career, you’ll need to keep up with continuing education and examinations, as well as any special training you choose to pursue.Average Salary/Wages: $214,870

7. Psychiatrist 

What It Entails: Psychiatrists specialize in mental health, including substance use disorders. They’re focused on the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders. Because they are physicians, they can assess both the mental and physical aspects of psychological problems, and are qualified to use both psychotherapy, as well as prescribed medication and medical tests to help their patients. They focus generally on the biological factors behind mental health.Experience Needed: Those hoping to become psychiatrists must first obtain a bachelor’s degree, and then either an MD or a DO. Following that, they’ll need to complete a residency, pass certification exams on a national and state level, and remain up to date with continuing education and exams. They may also choose to undertake additional specialized training to become certified in particular fields of psychiatry.Average Salary/Wages: $217,100

6. Physician (All Other Except Pediatric)

What It Entails:Like other medical practitioners, physicians may practice primary care or specialize in a specific area of the body and specific health conditions. They treat illnesses and injuries, and build relationships with patients to counsel them on their health, lifestyle, and treatment. Physicians differ from surgeons in that all surgeons are physicians, but not all physicians are surgeons; physicians perform significantly less or no surgery in their practice.Experience Needed: You’ll need a bachelor’s degree and a medical degree to pursue this profession, as well as 3 to 9 years of internship and residency experience depending on your chosen specialty. If you choose to pursue a subspeciality, this will involve an additional fellowship of up to 3 years, and you will also need to pass many exams and obtain all the necessary occupational certifications.Average Salary/Wages: $218,850

5. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon

What It Entails:Oral and maxillofacial surgeons perform surgery and additional medical procedures on the face, mouth, and jaw in order to treat diseases and injuries. They can work to improve both function and appearance for their patients.Experience Needed: Typically, training includes an undergraduate degree, a dental degree (DMD, BDent, DDS, or BDS), and four to six years of residency—where students can obtain a medical degree. Additionally, you must pass qualifying exams, and may pursue fellowships in order to specialize in particular areas.Average Salary/Wages: $234,990

4. Orthodontist

What It Entails: Orthodontists are specialists in dentistry. They help correct bites and straighten teeth. They’re doctors of oral health and they focus on tooth and jaw alignment.Experience Needed: To become an orthodontist, you’ll need to obtain your bachelor’s degree, pass dental school, and complete an orthodontic residency. After that, you’ll need to pass the National Board Dental Examination and obtain an orthodontics license, as well as fulfill any state exams and certifications.Average Salary/Wages: $237,990

3. Obstetrician/ Gynecologist

What It Entails:OB-GYNs provide medical care to patients relating to pregnancy and childbirth. They can deliver babies both vaginally and via C-section, diagnose diseases and challenges relating to reproductive health, perform abortions, and provide a variety of gynecological procedures, surgeries and medical advice. They’re specialists in all things menstruation, childbirth, and menopause, and can also help with breast disorders and hormonal imbalance.Experience Needed: Prospective OB-GYNs will need to complete a bachelor’s degree and four years of medical school, as well as four years of graduate-level education in a residency, focusing on obstetrics and gynecology. After you finish residency, you’ll specialize further through three years of additional training, pass Board exam, obtain state licensing, and continue to take continuing education courses and exams throughout your career.Average Salary/Wages: $239,120

2. Surgeon

What It Entails:Surgeons operate on their patients in the event of both illness and injury. They can be general surgeons and work to alleviate all sorts of problems, or they can specialize in a specific area of work, such as the heart or the brain.Experience Needed: Prospective surgeons will need to acquire a bachelor’s degree, followed by medical school. Following this, surgeons must pass a licensure exam (for either MD or DO) and undergo 3 to 7 years of residency. Surgical residencies are particularly competitive and high-stress so you’ll need to be certain of yourself and your goals. At the end of this, surgeons must obtain state licenses and, if they want to specialize further, procure further fellowships.Average Salary/Wages: $251,650

1. Anesthesiologist

What It Entails:Anesthesiologists administer anesthetics and pain medication to help patients manage pain before, during, and after surgeries. They work with both patients and doctors to ensure a high level of patient care.Experience Needed: Becoming an anesthesiologist takes lots of work. You’ll need to obtain a bachelor’s degree, followed by an MD or a DO, and a four-year residency. Additionally, anesthesiologists will need to pass the National Board exam, complete a fellowship or internship program, and become certified and licensed (including state requirements). They’ll maintain their knowledge throughout their career with continuing education courses.Average Salary/Wages:$271,440

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