Use these empowering weight loss motivation quotes from celebrities to Olympic athletes to give you the inspiration you need. It’s time to get a move on so you can start looking and feeling your best in 2023. Get ready to write these ones down.

75 Weight Loss Quotes

  1. “For me, exercise is more than just physical—it’s therapeutic.” — Michelle Obama
  2. “You don’t have to make any big sweeping commitments. Just do the best you can do for yourself today. Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Then you look back and all of a sudden you’ve strung together a lot of days where you’ve done the right things by yourself.” — Rob Lowe
  3. “Successful weight loss takes programming not willpower.” — Dr. Phil McGraw
  4. “Dieting is the only game where you win when you lose!” — Karl Lagerfeld, Fashion Designer
  5. “Fitness: If it came in a bottle, everybody would have a great body.” — Cher
  6. “Just believe in yourself. Even if you don’t, pretend that you do, and at some point, you will.” — Venus Williams
  7. “I grew up with the belief that good health is about moderation in all things.” — Pippa Middelton
  8. “For me, it’s just eat whatever makes you feel good." — Jessica Simpson
  9. “Eating smart is all about having an awareness of your body. The most obvious way to do that is by seeing it. So when you’re trying to lose weight, spend more time wearing less. I don’t think I could eat a plate of nachos naked—could you?” — Marisa Miller
  10. “What I know for sure is this: The big secret in life is that there is no big secret. Whatever your goal for this year is, you can get there—as long as you’re willing to be honest with yourself about the preparation and work involved. There are no back doors, no free rides. There’s just you, this moment, and a choice.” — Oprah
  11. “I just think you should eat less of everything. A little bit less. I don’t want to live a life where you can’t have what you want; it just makes you want it more.” — Drew Barrymore
  12. “It’s about taking the time before food goes in your mouth to be aware: Am I aware that I’m eating this? And am I eating it because I’m hungry or because I need to soothe myself?” — Valerie Bertinelli 
  13. “When I lost my weight and kept it off, it’s when I lost it slowly. I know that expression ‘the turtle wins the race’. Now I know that if I lose weight in a healthy way, I keep it off."— Khloé Kardashian
  14. “Working out for me is something I do when I feel like it. But it’s really about feeling good and taking care of my body rather than having to fit into any sort of model or anything like that. I try to eat well, and everything I do is really just to make me feel my best.”— Lea Michele
  15. “I’m prouder of my weight loss than my Oscar!” — Jennifer Hudson
  16. “If you want to lose weight for good, you need to make a commitment to a life change. You have to say, ‘I’m just not going to eat that anymore. I’m going to change my bad habits.’ Otherwise, you’ll spend the rest of your life yo-yoing and you’ll be miserable. By no means is it easy. Getting in shape is one of the hardest things I’ve ever done.” — Kelly Osbourne
  17. “For me, getting enough sleep, drinking lots of water, having a healthy diet, and staying away from alcohol are musts. It’s so boring, I know, but doing those things really helps.”— Jessica Biel
  18. “It’s important to work out and be the best version of yourself that you can be, but never feel like you have to be the skinniest girl in the room to be the prettiest. Be confident in yourself and you’ll shine!” — Kim Kardashian
  19. “When you are a fit and healthy person to begin with, you most likely go back to what you were before… I try to create a healthy balance in my life between juggling a thousand things and not having to do anything at all.” — Heidi Klum
  20. “If you take care of your body, it’ll take care of you.” — Usher
  21. “It’s all about reading labels and being aware and conscious of what goes in.” — Jennifer Aniston
  22. “If you’re trying to achieve, there will be roadblocks. I’ve had them, everybody has had them. But obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it.” — Michael Jordan
  23. “I love to sleep. When I’m rested, I’m at my best.” — Halle Berry
  24. “Eat clean to stay fit, have a burger to stay sane.” — Gigi Hadid
  25. “I try to have a balanced approach to food. I focus on putting nutritious things into my body, but I don’t obsess over it. If I’m going out to dinner with friends, I enjoy a nice meal. If there’s junk food, I have it and then just eat healthier the next day.” — Katie Holmes
  26. “It’s so important for women to look the way they want to look and feel the way they want to feel for their own reasons, not because someone’s telling them to or because it’s fashionable or trendy.” — Kirstie Alley
  27. “It wasn’t like, ‘Eat this for 90 days and lose 20 pounds.’ It was: ‘Eat like this for the rest of your life.’ I’m not a maniac about it… I mean, I was at a wedding on Saturday, and I ate cake. But 95 percent of the time, I’m right on the money.” — Drew Carey
  28. “It was basically just portion control, and ‘I don’t need it,’ I was just shoving everything into my mouth.” — John Goodman
  29. “If you gauge your life on what other people think, you’re going to be in a constant state of panic trying to please everyone. People should just concentrate on their own lives and their own health and their own happiness, and whatever that looks like for you, be happy with it.” — Kelly Clarkson
  30. “I was never really happy with my image and then I realized it was because I was eating fried food and drinking beer every day. You don’t have to kill yourself by getting into shape. Just eat right and don’t drink every day.” — Ed Sheeran
  31. “I don’t want to be skinny. I’m constantly in a state of self-improvement, but I don’t beat myself up over it.” — Mindy Kaling
  32. “Our bodies change. Our minds change. Our hearts change.” — Emma Stone
  33. “I realize everybody wants what they don’t have. But at the end of the day, what you have inside is much more beautiful than what’s on the outside!” — Selena Gomez
  34. “Goals should never be easy, they should force you to work, even if they are uncomfortable at the time." — Michael Phelps
  35. “Your diet is a bank account. Good food choices are good investments.”— Bethenny Frankel
  36. “Don’t train to be skinny. Train to be a #badass.” — Demi Lovato
  37. “Ask yourself, ‘Am I really hungry, or am I having this because it looks good?’” — Jordin Sparks
  38. “I think there’s something to kinda loosening up and not being so nervous and rigid about it that, bizarrely, has worked.” — Melissa McCarthy
  39. “I tell people to buy a healthy cookbook and make their meals twice a week ahead of time for the entire week. You can do it!”— Perez Hilton
  40. “It was just my own personal goal that I set for myself. It’s a whole different animal when you have two kids, and it felt really good.” — Ciara
  41. “There was a time when I was like, ‘Oh my god, I have to lose this weight because if I don’t, then who’s gonna date me?’ [Now], my working out is about me. It wasn’t always like that, but that’s where it’s landed.” — Jonathan Van Ness, Queer Eye
  42. “Dropped 40 pounds over the last year no supplements just training n hard work YOU CAN DO IT 2!” — Jay Pharaoh, SNL
  43. “I lost my weight the healthy and good old-fashioned way: Watching what I eat and working out with my trainer.” — Miranda Lambert
  44. “I’ve got to work out every day, and I work out hungover if I am hungover."— Lady Gaga
  45. “My nutritionist says, ‘If you bite it, write it.’ Writing down everything that you put in your mouth really helps. I don’t count a damn calorie. But when I’m really trying to eat healthy, I write everything down. It really holds me accountable and puts me on a healthier path.” — Tyra Banks
  46. “I used to look at a pint of Häagen-Dazs and call it a serving size. Now I know that I can have a couple of spoonfuls and I’m done. I’m more in control — and I’m controlling food.” — Al Roker
  47. “Staying in shape and staying fit is so important in my life just because of all the things I want to do.” — Melissa Joan Hart
  48. “I tried a plant-based diet for two months during quarantine. I felt great and I had a lot of energy, but it was not for me. I don’t eat a strictly plant-based diet and I do still eat meat. I just don’t eat a lot of it. I’ve picked up more fish, greens, and lentils.” — Hailey Bieber
  49. “Giving up processed food, sugar, soda and get into an exercise routine, like cardio and strength training, will change people’s body." — Adele
  50. “I promise to stop analyzing every angle and every curve and every pound and every meal. I’m going to keep staying the path because it is a journey and as long as I’m always working towards my goals, one day I’ll reach them." — Carrie Underwood
  51. “Proud to say it’s been 4 months I have only drank water no other juices or soda & I cut out bread & Lord knows that’s been the hardest for me. It really restores glow back & I don’t feel sluggish." — Missy Elliott
  52. “The hardest work was changing the insides, getting to the mental place where I know I’m gonna be okay and then the weight was just, kinda, a lot easier. At a certain point, it just started coming off.” — Shannon Beador, The Real Housewives of Orange County 
  53. “You can eat what you want, you just have to be conscious.” — Kate Hudson
  54. “Ever since I became a mom and saw all these strong, fit moms at the gym, it was inspirational.” — Nicole ‘Snooki’ Polizzi
  55. “Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.” — Arthur Ashe
  56. “I definitely have body issues, but everybody does. When you come to the realization that everybody does that—even the people that I consider flawless—then you can start to live with the way you are.” — Taylor Swift
  57. “Your words have so much power. Every day, if you tell yourself ‘I love you,’ if you give yourself one word of validation, it will change your mind.” — Ashley Graham
  58. “As a child, I never heard one woman say to me, ‘I love my body’. Not my mother, my elder sister, my best friend. No one woman has ever said, ‘I am so proud of my body.’ So I make sure to say it to my daughter because a positive physical outlook has to start at an early age.” — Kate Winslett
  59. “Will I feel better or worse after doing a sport?’ I can’t ever remember doing something physical and feeling worse.” —  — Elle Mcpherson
  60. “It’s more about your mental strength than physical strength. You have to push yourself. It doesn’t matter what trainer you have. And it doesn’t matter what program you’re on. You have to be healthy and make the right choices.” — Beyonce Knowles
  61. “If you want to accomplish anything in life, you can’t just sit back and hope it will happen. You’ve got to make it happen.” — Chuck Norris
  62. “The hard days are what make you stronger.” — Aly Raisman
  63. “I’ve worked too hard and too long to let anything stand in the way of my goals.” — Mia Hamm
  64. “Once you believe in yourself, and you put your mind to something, you can do it.” — Simone Biles
  65. “If you’re healthy all around, you’ll feel better, and if you feel better, you’ll have a more positive outlook. It’s all connected.” — Bridget Moynahan
  66. " I’m like every other girl. I’ve had to try really hard my whole life to be fit." — Gwen Stefani
  67. “I’m not going to lie, it’s really hard. When you don’t have time to work out, you have to be really meticulous about your diet. And when you do have time to work out, make it count.” — Jillian Michaels
  68. “Don’t waste so much time thinking about how much you weigh. There is no more mind-numbing, boring, idiotic, self-destructive diversion from the fun of living.” – Meryl Streep
  69. “If something stands between you and your success, move it. Never be denied.” – Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson
  70. “Don’t be afraid of failure. This is the way to succeed.” —LeBron James
  71. “When you have a clear vision of your goal, it’s easier to take the first step toward it.” – L.L. Cool J.
  72. “The best thing is to realize that you are who you are and you gotta work with what you got.” – Zendaya
  73. “I don’t have perfect teeth. I’m not stick thin. I want to be the person who feels great in her body and can say that she loves it and doesn’t want to change anything." – Emma Watson
  74. “I decided to not let others’ opinions and expectations get in the way of my own personal timeline.” – Kate Upton
  75. “If you just cut the crap out of your diet, and if you spend an hour a day doing something physical that will make you sweat, six months will pass by, you will feel better mentally, physically, spiritually. It all is tied together.” – Chris Pratt Up next, Which One of These 100 Diets Could Help You Lose Weight? We’ve Got Tons of Info to Help You Decide.

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