However, despite our best efforts, it can be hard to stay on track and keep up with the goals we set for ourselves. This year, actress and cooking television personality, Ayesha Curry, 33, has partnered with MyFitnessPal, a nutrition and food tracking app to give you the tools to reach your health and wellness goals. Her new 14-day “Jumpstart Your Health” challenge is designed to set you up for success in 2023. “What I loved about getting to collaborate on this project was that they made it so approachable,” says Curry. “At the start of a new year, everybody is looking for a way to be the best they can be, but almost always we join in on these things and it fizzles out a week later because it’s unapproachable. And what I loved about this was that MyFitnessPal made it so approachable. It’s essentially making small changes on a daily basis that in turn leads to big impact and lasting change.”

Curry’s Recommendations for Quick and Healthy Meals

Curry’s favorite types of meals to whip up include smoothies and sheet pan recipes. “My kids and I love a good smoothie,” Curry explains. “I have a great tropical post-workout smoothie that packs a lot of collagen and it has frozen mangoes, peaches and spinach. I’ll do a version of that for myself with the collagen and without the collagen for the kids. They absolutely love it.” In general, Curry chooses meals that take 30 minutes or less to make. “I’m also really into sheet pan recipes—anything that you can throw onto the sheet pan and pop into the oven at a really high heat,” she says.

Her Top Tip for Weight Loss

Be gentle with yourself, Curry says, and be patient.  “For me, I found that when I started thinking less about weight loss, I started seeing the change," she says. “It’s important to make sure that weight loss is slow and gradual because oftentimes when you find that quick fix, you’ll have a fallback period where you gain back more than you lost.” She adds that small changes go a long way. “When you make those small changes part of your routine, they make a big impact,” she says. 

How Curry Maintains Balance as a Busy, Working Mom

Curry makes sure to practice meditation, and she finds time for stillness throughout the day. “I take five to 15 minutes every day to meditate and pray and have quiet time with myself—whether it’s in the morning in the evening or anytime in between,” Curry explains. “I find that just taking a moment of clarity really helps me recompose myself.”

Her Go-to Veggies and Protein Source

Curry’s top two vegetables are sweet potatoes and asparagus. “I love sweet potatoes,” says Curry. “There are so many things that you can do with them, whether you’re roasting, making mashed potatoes, or incorporating them into a saute or a curry. I love the little bit of sweetness that brings to a dish. And when it comes to green vegetables, we almost always have asparagus on the table.” For protein, she makes a lot of salmon dishes and chicken is a close second. Next up: 55 Healthy Salmon Recipes For Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner