You told Michael this week that you would try to turn the jury against him if he nominated you, and you’ve expressed that you felt a certain way about how he and Brittany chose to reveal the information they had on Kyle. What are your thoughts about him and the choice he made?I just felt, honestly, it was pure gameplay. There’s no other way to equate that with the timing. So it was just gameplay.In the week you were HoH, you had an alliance revealed to you, a new alliance formed, then used the veto to put Kyle up next to Joseph. And at one point last week, you told Kyle he should have gone instead of Joseph. How do you look back on your time in Dyre Fest, especially after what ended up happening in the weeks after?I think I had a great HoH at Dyre Fest. I got a lot of information revealed to me, a lot of information that I didn’t know. So it was a great experience. The only thing that I would do differently is put up different nominations.Last week, it was revealed that Kyle had suspicions about you and the other minority houseguests forming another Cookout alliance. What was your reaction to that, and how did that lead to you eventually wanting to keep Kyle over Taylor?It made me slightly upset. But I wanted to make it a teachable moment to change the narrative that happens when this absolutely happens. So that was the only reason that my thoughts were to keep him.You made several negative and oftentimes derogatory comments about Taylor in the house. This past week, you came to her with a pitch for you, her, and Monte to move forward together. But after getting evicted, you said you wanted to see her leave after you. Talk to me about your relationship.I felt all season, Taylor and I have been poking at each other and wanting each other out. So that was just my last way to take a shot. That was it. It wasn’t malicious in any way.To finish, let’s get your rapid-fire thoughts on the remaining houseguest. Starting with Alyssa.Great with emotions.Brittany.Very attached.Michael.Very smart.Monte.Playing a clean, quiet game.Taylor.Once she feels a way, she feels a way.Finally, Turner.Turner! He’s very stealthy and can fit in any room he’s in. He’s very flexible. I love it.Next, check out our interview with Kyle Capener, who was evicted in Big Brother 24 Week 8.