In other words, here’s a look at who’s most likely to win Big Brother 23.

Xavier Prather

It’s natural Xavier has the best chance of winning at this point, considering he’s the only person guaranteed to make finale night by winning the final four Head of Household competitions. He has made a deal with the men of the Cookout, as well as several Final Two deals. And on top of that, the jury is filling with people with growing respect for his ability to remain safe despite his growing threat level. Barring him losing the final HoH–which he’s the odds-on favorite to win–it’s safe to say lawyer Xavier will be successfully pleading his case to the jury come finale night.

Azah Awasum

It’s a far way down between Xavier and the next-most likely person to win. But if there’s anyone to be the best of the bottom, it’s Azah. She earned ire from the fandom on last week’s double eviction when she chose to go after Hannah rather than Xavier and Kyland. But at the moment she’s poised to make finale night, barring a Kyland veto win. And in that case, if she wins the final HoH, it’s certain she’ll take Big D and evict Xavier, and she’ll easily take the win.

Kyland Young

Before the Cookout alliance made history and reached the final six, Kyland looked extremely well-positioned, courting multiple deals. But his game began to nosedive last week when he chose to make a Final Two deal with Xavier, disposing of Tiffany and Hannah along the way. Unfortunately his chickens are coming home to roost, as Kyland is currently the target to go in fourth place. Even if he is able to win the final veto of the season, he’s either going to be evicted in third or take Xavier to the end, where it’s become clear he’ll be abundantly shut down for his decision to spurn everyone in favor of Xavier.

Derek Frazier

That’s right. Though Big D is the only person pretty much guaranteed to make finale night, he is drawing absolutely dead. He has nothing on his resume aside from crediting himself with creating the Cookout, having won no competitions this season. Though the jury is fine taking him on a trip to Vegas, there’s no respect for him as a player. If there’s been any “goat” in this season full of big gamers, it’s him. But that being said, he’s also the person most likely at this point to be sitting in the Final Two and guaranteed $75,000, even if the jury may not pay him mind or a vote. Next, check out our interview with Big Brother 23 six placer Tiffany Mitchell.

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