There are some oils that don’t need much Googling when you want to figure out how to use them. Olive oil? A mainstay in the kitchen. Coconut oil? Great for both cooking and beauty purposes. But black seed oil benefits are less well-known. After all, black seed oil isn’t one you typically see popping up in recipe ingredients lists and isn’t commonly found in beauty products, the way rosehip oil is. “Black seed oil is a plant-based oil extracted from the seeds of a flowering plant called Nigella sativa,” registered dietitian Alex Aldeborgh, RD, explains, adding that it’s native to Southwest Asia and the Mediterranean. The seeds of this plant—called both nigella seeds and black cumin seeds—are what’s used to make black seed oil. “It’s been widely used for medicinal purposes for years, and is popular in alternative medicine systems such as Ayurveda,” Aldeborgh says. So while it’s certainly not a “new” medicinal remedy in many cultures, here in the West it’s relatively unknown. Even though black seed oil isn’t as popular, knowing how to incorporate it into your life comes with some pretty great benefits—fighting inflammation chief among them.

7 health benefits of black seed oil

1. Black seed oil can help protect against chronic inflammation

Registered dietitian Robin Foroutan, RD, says one benefit of black seed oil is that it’s very high in antioxidants. Because of this, she says black seed oil is helpful for protecting against chronic inflammation. When high levels of inflammation persists in the body for an extended amount of time, it can manifest into chronic diseases and cancer. Registered dietitian and From Burnout To Balance author Patricia Bannan, RDN, says that black seed oil is particularly high in an antioxidant called thymoquinone. “It’s one of the terpenes in black seed oil is thought to provide the greatest antioxidant benefits,” she says. The high amounts of thymoquinone are one reason why black seed oil is so beneficial in fighting inflammation.

2. It supports heart health

Foroutan says that one of the traditional uses black seed oil has long been used for is to support cardiovascular health. “Black seed oil is a traditional remedy for a wide variety of issues including high cholesterol and high blood sugar,” she says. “It has a very pungent flavor which is how you know it’s really high in phytonutrients!” The high amount of phytonutrients, including antioxidants, in black seed oil is a major reason why it’s so great for heart health. Another reason why black seed oil is beneficial for heart health is because it has several types of fatty acids. “Most of the fat comes from two healthy fats: linoleic acid, a polyunsaturated essential omega-6 fatty acid and oleic acid, a monounsaturated fatty acid,” Aldeborgh says, adding that omega-6 fatty acids are considered essential because our bodies do not produce them on our own and we need to get them through diet. “Diets that include mostly unsaturated fats compared to saturated fats can help lower the risk of heart disease, stroke, and may help lower blood pressure, cholesterol, and triglycerides,” she says. “It’s important to get a mix of monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats in the diet, as they provide different benefits.”

3. Black seed oil supports cognitive health

According to the experts, black seed oil is beneficial for the brain for the same exact reasons it’s good for your heart: It’s high in antioxidants and fatty acids. Black seed oil has traditionally been used to help support the nervous systems as well as treat memory impairment.

4. It could help support the digestive system

Foroutan says that one way black seed oil is often used is as a natural remedy for SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth).  “Typical dosing is about a half teaspoon to a full teaspoon a day,” she says. While anecdotally, some do report success by using it this way, it’s important to note that more scientific studies need to be done to confirm its effectiveness as the current studies were done on rats. Additionally, if you do believe you have SIBO, it’s best to consult with a doctor before trying this remedy at home.

5. It may help improve asthma symptoms

Bannan says there is some evidence to suggest that black seed oil can help with asthma. In addition to its anti-inflammatory properties, black seed oil also behaves as an antihistamine, which is why it could be helpful for asthma. While the connection is promising, more scientific studies need to be done to really solidify the connection.

6. Black seed oil could help treat certain skin conditions

Aldeborgh says that one common way of using black seed oil is applying a few drops topically, right on the skin. “There is some evidence that black seed oil can help treat certain skin conditions, including psoriasis, acne, and eczema, because of its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties,” she says. Bannan says she has seen it used in these ways as well, but she emphasizes that it’s important to consult a dermatologist before giving it a try because some people have experienced contact dermatitis (an itchy, red rash) as a result.

7. It helps nourish dry hair

Another reason why you may want to stash your black seed oil in your bathroom is because it’s beneficial for hair health. The fatty acids in the oil can help hydrate hair. For this reason, it’s been used as a hair mask, shampoo, oil, and cream.

How to use black seed oil

With all these impressive benefits, you’re probably wondering the best way to integrate black seed oil into your life. Foroutan says that because black seed oil is delicate, it shouldn’t be heated or cooked with, the way you may cook with olive oil for example. She says that you can use it as a finishing oil, but the flavor is very strong and a little goes a long way. Black seed oil has a pungent, bitter taste. “If you like the flavor, you could drizzle a little bit on savory soups,” Foroutan says. “You can also sprinkle a little on root vegetables or lentils.” If you’re not into the taste, you can also consume black seed oil in capsule form, which Foroutan says is more common. To benefit from the skin or hair benefits of black seed oil, you can either consume it as a capsule or apply it directly to your skin or hair. Bannan says that anyone who does plan on consuming black seed oil regularly should talk with their doctor first. “Black seed oil, like many other potent plant-derived foods, can interact with medications and has been reported to have some side effects,” she says. “If you’re considering implementing black seed oil into your daily routine, speak with your health care provider if you have concerns with any current medical conditions or medications.” While black seed oil isn’t going to become your go-to cooking oil, it still brings plenty of health benefits to the table. With its multitasking uses only one question remains: Will you be keeping your bottle in the kitchen or the bathroom? Next up, find out if it’s healthier to cook with olive oil or avocado oil.


Robin Foroutan, RD, registered dietitian and certified holistic health coachPatricia Bannan, RDN, registered dietitian and author of From Burnout To BalanceAlex Aldeborgh, RD, registered dietitian Black Seed Oil Health Benefits  Everything You Need To Know - 29