As a role that requires a great deal of emotional and physical support, it’s important to be informed about how to provide optimal care. To help you get started, here’s a guide filled with doctor and therapist-backed tips. 

How to provide emotional support to someone with heart disease

Here are some emotional care tips to keep in mind:

Do not tell someone with a serious illness that they “look great” or are “doing great”

“Those kinds of statements cause stress and guilt. It makes someone feel that they have to say they feel good or to do more than they should. It induces guilt, anger, anxiety and so much more,” says Jill Johnson-Young, LCSW. Instead, acknowledge that they do not have the kind of energy they used to, and ask what it’s like adapting to where they are now. Get them to tell the story of how they got where they are and what they plan to do from here, Johnson-Young adds. What’s next? What might they need? 

Be a listener, not a teller

Everyone’s experience with heart disease is different. It’s not helpful to act like you understand what this person is going through. Instead, the best way to comfort someone is to simply listen. “Do not share your story of others with the same disease,” Johnson-Young explains.

Use humor

Laughter is one of the greatest gifts you can give someone who has a serious illness. “Many people will not laugh with someone who is seriously ill, but humor helps,” says Johnson-Young. 

Check in often

Having a heart problem can be emotionally distressing and lead to depression and anxiety.  “Caregivers can help by checking in with the patient frequently, helping make doctors appointments, and visiting their loved ones with heart disease,” says Dr. Jennifer Haythe, MD, Associate Professor of Medicine and Co-director of Columbia Women’s Heart Center.

Be mindful of the symptoms of depression

It’s also important to watch for signs of depression like excessive sleep or insomnia, fatigue, flattened affect, withdrawal from typical activities and change in appetite, Dr. Haythe explains. If you’re noticing any of those signs, it may be time to get a mental health expert like a therapist involved.

Encourage physical activity when possible

Making time for movement can help improve a patient’s mental state. “Caregivers should encourage patients to take walks or participate in physician approved exercise,” says Dr. Haythe.  If you are worried your loved one is in emotional distress contact their doctor. It’s also important to consider psychotherapy or medication to treat depression if needed, Dr. Haythe explains. Depression is associated with worse outcomes in cardiac patients.

How to provide physical support to someone with heart disease

Assist with day to day tasks

People living with cardiovascular disease can be limited in their activities of daily living. “It’s especially helpful to assist them with activities like cooking, bathing, and getting dressed,” Dr. Haythe explains. “They may also need help buying groceries and arranging transportation and childcare.”

Organize medication

Knowing what pills to take at what times is important. And by simplifying the process, it’s one less thing for the patient to worry about. “I often ask caregivers to put together the week’s medications in an easy-to-use pill pack container,” says Dr. Haythe.

Check weight and other vitals

It is also essential to help the patient check their daily weight and if even periodically their blood pressure and other vitals signs if requested by the doctor and keep a log to show at the next visit, Dr. Haythe explains. Next up: Doctors Name the 7 Types of Heart Conditions You Should Know About—and What to Understand About Each 


Jill Johnson-Young, LCSWDr. Jennifer Haythe, Associate Professor of Medicine and Co-director of Columbia Women’s Heart Center Everything You Need to Know About Being a Caregiver to Someone With Heart Disease - 41