A spin around TikTok and a scroll through the #sixpackabs hashtag makes it seem possible for anyone to get a chiseled midsection with a few quick moves, but what actually goes into getting a six pack? And is it really possible for everyone to get one? Parade.com consulted top fitness and health experts to find out—here’s everything you need to know.

Can everyone get a six pack?

For some people, it seems like six pack abs pop up after a few days at the gym (and those people are usually men), while others will work hard for months without seeing results. So, are some people just not able to get a six pack? “Technically it’s possible for anyone to have a six pack,” Jillian Michaels, who recently came out with the JillianMichaels Fitness App. “However, it isn’t realistic or arguably healthy for some to get that lean. Having a six pack requires minimal subcutaneous fat (fat under the skin) over your abdomens rectus, or ‘six pack muscles.’” Nutritionist Jen Rinehart agrees with Michaels, noting that a six pack is not something she recommends everyone strive for, and that doing so can come with some unhealthy side effects. “Having this as a goal can be very unhealthy both mentally and physically, particularly for women who need to carry a higher body fat percentage than men,” she says. Michaels also stresses that a six pack is in no way indicative of a person’s overall health. “A six pack simply means an individual likely has a low body fat percentage,” she says. “While that might seem like an indicator of health, someone can be lean and still unhealthy. What if the person smoked?  What if they are thin, but eat a ton of crappy, processed foods? What if they are naturally thin, but never exercise (which is rare, but does happen)?”

The most realistic way to get six pack abs

As long as you’re putting your physical and mental health first, it’s fine to strive for a six pack, especially because a strong core supports the rest of your body. So what goes into getting a six pack, exactly? “The best approach is to reduce overall body fat,” says Michaels. “This is done by eating clean, non-processed foods, tracking the amount of food you eat—if you eat more calories than you burn in a day, no matter how nutrient-rich the energy source, you will store those extra calories as fat—and exercising intelligently to help burn stored body fat.” And of course, working out helps. “I would recommend performing heavy compound strength movements since they engage the core muscles in addition to more specific movements for your rectus abdominis such as crunches (and their variations), flutter kicks and bicycles,” says personal trainer Jennifer Nagel. While on your six-pack-ab journey, it’s important to remember that food and fitness work in conjunction with one another. “Food and fitness work together to deliver best, speedy results,” says Michaels. “You can undo a ton of good work in the gym with a poor diet. Eating clean, not overheating, and training effectively is the best way to bring out your best abs.”

What to do when you’re not seeing results

If you’ve been eating clean and working out for months and you’re not seeing signs of a six pack emerge, Michaels has an important message: Don’t sweat it. “I don’t even have a bulging six pack. I have a flat stomach with good definition, and I’m happy with it,” she says. “Remember, this is about your best self, not someone else’s beauty ideal.” She adds that for some people—women in particular—having a body-fat percentage low enough to reveal a six pack isn’t necessarily healthy. “For example, I store body fat on my lower body, hence the term ‘pear-shaped,’” she says. “So I can get extremely lean but still not get the definition I want in my lower body without becoming extremely drawn in the face, dropping two cup sizes, etc. So for women who have an ‘apple shape,’ meaning they store fat in their abdomen primarily, getting a six pack healthily would be extremely difficult.” Remember, being healthy and accepting your body as it is comes first—six pack or not. Next, here are the 20 best workout apps of 2020.

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