Trans fats come with a slew of health warnings and, unfortunately, they aren’t always easy to spot when reading food labels. According to Alicia Galvin, RD and resident dietitian for Sovereign Laboratories, the easiest way to avoid trans fats—and negative fats, in general— is to eat as minimally-processed foods as possible. This isn’t always feasible, however, so here’s what to know about trans fats for the next time you’re at the store buying packaged foods.

What are trans fats?

If you want the scientific definition, trans fats are “geometric isomers of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids having at least one carbon-carbon double bond with hydrogens on opposite sides of the double bond (trans configuration).”  This, of course, makes no sense to most of us, so more simply put, it’s a type of fat found in food—either occurring naturally or as a man-made additive—typically listed as “partially hydrogenated oils” on food labels. “Trans fats are unsaturated fats that are found naturally in some foods and, more commonly, are artificially created to make a liquid fat more solid, so it’s more palatable when used in baking, frying and packaged goods,” explains Dr. Christopher Mohr, PhD, RD, and co-owner of Mohr Results, Inc.

Why should you avoid trans fats?

One reason to avoid trans fats is that back in 2013, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) removed partially hydrogenated oils from their list of foods Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) for humans. According to Galvin, man-made, or artificial, trans fats are worse for your health than those that occur naturally, but generally, trans fats should be avoided.  “[Trans fats] increase your LDL—or ‘bad’—cholesterol and lower your HDL—known as good’—cholesterol,” notes Galvin. “They have been associated with an increase in cardiovascular disease, cancer and Type 2 diabetes.”  Research backs this up, and most often, the risk of heart disease is the noted consequence of too many trans fats. More recent data from 2016 found added effects, including diminishing mental performance, risk of depression, and even a link to the development of Alzheimer’s disease.

What are foods high in trans fats?

As stated, when reading ingredient lists, you want to look for “partially hydrogenated oils.” While this can help you identify trans fats, Galvin notes that there is a caveat: they may be hiding. This is because of requirements for food labels. “Just because a product says ‘0g trans fats’ doesn’t mean it is safe to eat,” stresses Galvin. “If the amount of trans fat is 0.4 and below per serving, they don’t have to put on the label. But if it is in the ingredient list, you are still getting trans fats, and it has been deemed that no amount of trans fat is safe to consume regularly.” While the FDA notes that listing trans fatty acids is required on labels, Galvin is correct that claims of 0g of trans fats can be made, even when there are trace amounts. The FDA goes on to state: “For conventional food products (those food products other than dietary supplements), declaration of “0g” of trans fat is not required for such products that contain less than 0.5g of total fat in a serving if no claims are made about fat, fatty acid or cholesterol content.“  A good rule of thumb is that fried foods will often contain trans fats. Galvin and Dr. Mohr share some of the foods that have trans fats include

MargarineFried foods, such as french fries and donutsVarious types of packaged crackers and breadsBaked goods such as cookies, cakes and brownies.

What should you substitute for trans fats?

There are some swaps you can make for trans fats, especially when it comes to using margarine or shortening. Galvin notes that using real butter is even a better choice than trans fats, but common recommendations include healthy oils like olive oil and avocado oil.  “Data shows limiting trans fats in the diet is a wise idea for overall heart health, but it’s important to remember when substituting ingredients, not to swap these for high sugar and refined carbohydrates,” concludes Mohr. “[Instead], pick healthier fat alternatives like those mentioned above.” Next up, read up on the four best types of fats to eat.


Alicia Galvin, RD, a resident dietitian for Sovereign LaboratoriesChristopher Mohr, PhD, RD, co-owner of Mohr Results, Inc.American Heart Association (March 23, 2017): “Trans Fats.”Bratislava Medical Journal (2016. Ginter E, Simko V): “New data on harmful effects of trans-fatty acids.” doi: 10.4149/bll_2016_048Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences (Vol. 30,1. 2014. Iqbal, MP). “Trans fatty acids - A risk factor for cardiovascular disease.” doi: 10.12669/pjms.301.4525U.S. Food and Drug Administration (August 2003): “Small Entity Compliance Guide: Trans Fatty Acids in Nutrition Labeling, Nutrient Content Claims, and Health Claims.” Trans Fat Foods List and What to Eat Instead - 21