Vaughn performs Ed Sheeran’s “The A Team” for his Blind Audition and when Kelly learns he hails from Belmont, Texas, she is hoping the Texas connection will give her an in. But it is Ariana who speaks first, telling Vaughn, “I love the little break in your voice; I love the fuller part of your voice. Were you getting a tiny bit tired vocally?” Vaughn admits he was nervous, and Ariana continues, “Well, you really held it together. There was only one tiny spot where I could hear it. I would love to work with you on perfecting those moments. What do you like to listen to?” “R&B, soul, a little bit of pop,” says the registered nurse. “Sounds like the things I like to listen to, too,” Ariana says. “We would be a good team here, just saying.” Then it’s John’s turn: “I feel like we have a lot in common musically. I feel like I would wear this outfit, too [trying to find common ground by referring to Vaughn’s suit]." “I feel like I would wear it, too,” Kelly chimes in. John continues, “My younger brother’s name is Vaughn, too. What is your performing life like right now?” Vaughn reveals, “This is actually all new to me. I am a registered nurse, so I usually will just sing to my patients.” “I will cry right now,” Kelly says. But John persists, “I felt what you did required a lot of seasoning that I wouldn’t expect from someone who doesn’t perform on big stages, so you are probably lying to me.” Kelly points out, “Do you want a mean coach? That was mean, right?” “I was the first person to turn for you,” John adds. “Roll the tape,” Kelly says, but John actually did beat her by about 2 seconds. “I was definitely first,” John says. “I feel like I have the right experience on this show helping artists pick songs, helping them prepare for these moments, I would love to have you on Team Legend.” Then it’s Kelly’s time to present her case. She says, “The precision of you not losing breath and going off pitch that takes a lot more technique. You are an emotional singer, and that’s all that I am, emotion. I also think you would look fantastic in this turquoise number [she holds up her team jacket]. It is pretty cute." John turns to Blake to see if he has anything to add to the conversation. “Not to help any of you,” Blake says. “I thought your performance was incredible, but I hate all three of those people, so I don’t want to be in the mix right now, but it has been 30 minutes since Ariana has gotten to talk, so maybe she deserves to say one more thing.” “I know that I am new here and you guys don’t know me as a coach yet, but I want to guide you in this competition, I want to help you sing the right songs, I want to answer any questions you have regarding my experiences, and help you get to where you want to go as an artist,” Ariana says. “I want to help you get to the healthiest place with your instrument that you’ve ever been in your life. I want to help you become the biggest artist you can be. I want to help you win this whole thing and have a career. I want to be here to do the real work.” Did Ariana’s final pitch work? Who does Vaughn pick as his coach? He says he is taking a leap of faith, but to find out what that means, tune in tonight at 8 p.m. ET/PT when The Voice premieres on NBC. Next, Here’s What We Know About Season 21 of The Voice, Including the 4 New Advisors

Watch Registered Nurse Vaughn Mugol on The Voice Season 21 Premiere Cause a Battle Between Ariana Grande  Kelly Clarkson and John Legend - 72