“Isolation is certainly not good for human beings in general,” says Dr. Dawn Potter, PsyD, a clinical psychologist and clinical assistant professor at the Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine. “We’re a social species, and we need to be in connection with other people.”  Though, how isolation affects someone differs from person to person, depending on personal vulnerabilities and health history, she adds. Research shows that people with pre-existing mental health conditions, older people, women, young adults, people with lower income levels, and those living alone have been at greater risk for loneliness and social isolation from coronavirus lockdowns.  So, what effects do loneliness and isolation have on people? Parade.com asked mental health experts to explain the mental health consequences of the past year’s coronavirus quarantine.  

How isolation can affect your mental health

Isolation increases stress, which Potter says has been linked to a series of mental and physical health problems. But, during the pandemic, some of the traditional ways of coping with this stress haven’t been possible, making matters worse.  “So, people are not able to handle it in the same way that they might otherwise,” she says. “People have reduced outlets for coping because a lot of people aren’t doing their regular routines, like going to the gym to manage stress.”  The isolation caused by the pandemic has also increased instances of depression, anxiety and other mental health issues, says Dr. Rebecca Cowan, Ph.D., core faculty at the Walden University School of Counseling.  “People are grieving both the loss of loved ones, as well as important life milestones,” she says. “Events such as graduations, weddings, birthdays and vacations have been canceled, contributing to the distress many are feeling. Additionally, many have had their support systems significantly disrupted, leading to increased loneliness.”  Many people have also felt trapped during the quarantines and lack the coping skills to deal with sudden life changes and losses, Cowan says. And, on top of isolation and stress, many people are dealing with job losses and financial struggles.  

Signs that isolation is affecting your health

Research published in the journal Humanities and Social Sciences Communications in January found that perceived social isolation from the pandemic led to poor life satisfaction, work-related stress, distrust of institutions, negative psychological well-being, and higher rates of substance abuse.  These are the signs that pandemic isolation may be affecting your mental health, according to the experts we spoke to: 

Feelings of sadnessAnxietyPanic attacksSleep problems Withdrawing from others and social situationsBurnout from work, school or family obligations Heightened stressDrinking too much or increased smoking or use of other substancesChanges in appetiteDifficulty concentrating Thoughts of suicide 

“Anyone experiencing any distress, no matter how minor, should consider seeking out additional support,” Cowan says. “It is better to seek help before symptoms become severe so that the individual has support in place should they need it. Prevention and early intervention are key.”  Isolation also has physical health effects. “People are more sedentary and not getting out as often,” Cowan adds. “This may lead to various health issues that may also impact mental health, such as vitamin D deficiency.” Vitamin D deficiency can cause fatigue, muscle aches and weakness, and mood changes like depression, according to Cleveland Clinic.

Depression during quarantine

Depression is one mental health issue that has become more common since the pandemic. More than 40% of adults reported having symptoms of anxiety or depressive disorder in January 2021, according to a Kaiser Family Foundation poll. And, Black and Hispanic individuals were more likely to report these symptoms.  “There is an increase in depression and anxiety symptoms generally, but another thing I have noticed is that in those who are susceptible to things like obsessive-compulsive disorder or social anxiety, those conditions, are increasing in severity right now as well,” Potter says. “So, people need to reach out for extra support for those types of things.”  Many of these mental health effects will likely last well after the pandemic is over, Cowan says, since not everyone has sought mental health treatment. For instance, health care workers may have put their own needs aside during the increased demand for their work during the pandemic. As the demand drops, they may find themselves having a difficult time coping.  “Additionally, those who have lost a loved one during this time, no matter what the cause, may experience prolonged and complicated grief due to the stressors the pandemic has added during this time,” she adds. “It might take people much longer to cope with these losses.”  

How to cope with pandemic isolation and stress

The best way to cope with isolation, stress and anxiety caused by the pandemic depends on the severity and intensity of the situation, Potter explains.  Some ways to deal with pandemic stress, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, include: 

Eating a healthy balanced, dietExercisingGetting plenty of sleep Avoiding too much alcohol, smoking or substance abuse Taking breaks from watching or reading the newsEmbracing self-care, such as meditating or other activities that you enjoyConnecting with friends and family by phone or video 

If your stress and anxiety persist and interfere with your sleep or ability to perform daily activities or enjoy activities, reach out to a mental health professional, Potter suggests.  “If somebody feels like they want therapy or other kinds of mental health support, then that’s a good reason to seek it,” she adds. “People shouldn’t be nervous or ashamed to seek help for mental health.”  As more people get vaccinated and daily life returns to some semblance of normal, Cowan suggests re-engaging with your support systems.  “Reach out to each other,” she emphasizes. “Chances are others are struggling to determine the best path forward as well. Transitions are difficult no matter what. Even though resuming everyday life is positive, this is still yet another transition we are all navigating.”  Next, read about what to do if you feel your social skills are a little rusty. 


Dr. Rebecca Cowan, PhD, core faculty, Walden University School of Counseling. Dr. Dawn Potter, PsyD, clinical psychologist, clinical assistant professor, Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of MedicineInternational Psychogeriatrics:Loneliness and social isolation during the COVID-19 pandemicPublic Health:Who is lonely in lockdown? Cross-cohort analyses of predictors of loneliness before and during the COVID-19 pandemicHumanities and Social Sciences Communications:The effects of social isolation on well-being and life satisfaction during pandemicsCleveland Clinic:Vitamin D Deficiency Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:Coping with Stress Kaiser Family Foundation:The Implications of COVID-19 for Mental Health and Substance Use What Does Isolation Do to a Person  - 47